Foto mit Text "Jetzt bewerben" des Bundespreis EcodesignFederal Ecodesign Award

Companies from all sectors, designers and students from all over Europe can now submit their innovative projects for the German Ecodesign Award. Pioneering products, services, concepts or student research projects can be entered for the prestigious competition until April 14, 2025.

Table with flyers and rollups.EFFEKTE in February: Women power! The country needs more female scientists

Presentations on good leadership, especially with regard to the protection of women from sexualized violence, harassment and discrimination in the workplace. In the second part, presentations (in English) by (international) female scientists on obstacles and best practices for overcoming inequalities on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 19:30-22:00 in the TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum am Kronenplatz

20190611-CN-01-071 (C Markus Breig_KIT)KIT in the Town Hall | The KIT Center for Mobility Systems introduces itself

On Monday, February 3, 2025 at 6:30 p.m., the KIT Center for Mobility Systems will present its research on the topic of "Perspectives on Mobility Change" at Karlsruhe City Hall. The event will be held in German.

Invitation to the KIT climate lectureKIT Climate Lecture

On November 5, 2024, 6 pm the KIT Climate Lecture “Time ot Act!” will take place with Prof. Dr. Daniela Jacob. She is the Director of the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS). In the Gartensaal of Karlsruhe Palace. Free entrance [The event will be held in German]

Thumbnail of one of ITAS youtube videos of their projectSustainability: project brings skills to engineering studies

Sustainable products require sustainability-oriented and appropriately trained engineers. ITAS has developed educational videos that present different aspects of the topic for use in engineering courses.

Plakat zur VeranstaltungsreiheClimate Pact Karlsruhe event series

In the week from October 21 to 24, 2024, from 5:30 to 8 p.m., four themed evenings will take place at the DHBW Karlsruhe. Experts will discuss sustainable solutions and paths for the city (in german!). This series of events of the Karlsruhe Climate Pact is organized by the DHBW Karlsruhe and the City of Karlsruhe.

Zwei schemenhaft erkennbare Menschen radeln sich entgegen. Im Hintergrund ist eine Grünfläche und Baum.Bicycle climate test until November 30, 2024

Is local cycling fun or stressful? From September 1 to November 30, 2024, cyclists in Germany can once again rate how bicycle-friendly their cities and municipalities are. You can find the link to the survey at More.

Grafische Darstellung laufender Beine mit Text #allesgeht, Mitmach-Aktion Unterwegs zu FußAGFK-BWWell on foot in Team KIT

The nationwide "Steps Challenge" from October 1 to 29, 2024 will also take place in Karlsruhe for the first time. Employees and students are invited to take part. The Steps Challenge is organized by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fahrrad- und Fußgängerfreundlicher Kommunen in Baden-Württemberg e. V. (agfk). More information on registration (until the end of September) can be found in the intranet.

Eine Vierer Gruppe ist aktiv an einer Gruppenarbeit mit Stift und Papier.Climate Fresk workshop on site

On November 20, the Climate Fresk workshop will take place (in person) at Campus South. This time in German only. Please register via the Klimapuzzle website (see link)




Links steht der Rollup zur Ausstellung. Rechts sieht man erste Aussstellungsexemplare.Exhibition "Einsichten + Aussichten"

The exhibition "Einsichten + Aussichten" (Insights + Prospects) will take place from August 2024 to November 2024. Among other, the exhibition provides insights into the sustainable services of the KIT Library and perspectives on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. The exhibition is accessible free of charge during the Library's service hours.

Auf einem langen Konferenztisch stehen Kaffeekannen, Wasser, Laptop und Unterlagen.Guidelines for Sustainable Event Management

The Campus Services Business unit has published guidelines for sustainable event management. There you will find comprehensive information on the organization of sustainable events from the first steps of planning to the follow-up of the event. Click this link.

Zwei Menschen radeln dem KIT Shuttle auf dem Campus Süd entgegen.With the Deutschlandticket to France

Many KIT members have the Deutschlandticket and are therefore environmentally friendly in their everyday travels. This is even more worthwhile this summer: in July and August 2024, the Deutschlandticket can also be used for journeys on regional transport in the neighboring French Région Grand Est and even for journeys as far as Paris. This promotion applies to people under the age of 28 who are resident in Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate or Saarland. Bon voyage!

Das Bild zeigt einen bunten Umzug und Informationen zu der Veranstaltung am 17.08.2024Moving into the future - Station Future on 17.08.2024

On Saturday, 17.08.2024 you will be offered a varied program. The afternoon starts with a Wandelwirken e.V. parade at 4 pm. The Future Station will take place on Schlossplatz from 18:00 to 20:30. The Future Station is organized by the Karlsruhe Transformation Center (ITAS/KIT) and is also the final event of the Karlsruhe Real-World Laboratory for Sustainable Climate Protection (KARLA). The day will end with the projection of a go-motion projection "On the way to the future world city" composed by KAT.

Radfahrende am Campus Süd vor der NaturThe KIT is once again taking part in city cycling.

In the period from 23.06. to 13.07.2024 the city cycling takes place in Karlsruhe. For more information, please visit the mobility portal.
